The Unnecessary, Imaginary Boxing Ring: Parents and the Childfree

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We often hear parents competing. “Oh my daughter came 1st in this!” “This is where we keep the boys awards!.” All these parents trying to one-up each other, in terms of their childs’ achievements.

I don’t blame them… that’s a human life they raised! Right on!

The MMA grand final fight is definitely  between Parents and the Childfree.

This is a truly refreshing insight into, how the Childfree feel about explaining to people with kids that they don’t want kids (that’s if they even open that pickle jar).

This confession was curated by Anne Roderique-Jones and published on Self.

Confession: When strangers ask my husband and me if we’re having children (and they often do) we sometimes lie. I’d say that it’s mostly for their sake, but it’s really because we’ve come to dread the reaction. If we say that we’re undecided (lie), some people give us their best go at convincing us to join their team. If we tell the truth—that we’re childfree and happy—I often feel as if I’ve offended someone.

I’ve been happily married for nearly 13 years—hardly a drop in the bucket—but can say that our happiness stems from being childfree. Yet most folks don’t like to hear that.

According to Laura S. Scott, the president of 180 Coaching and director of the Childless by Choice Project, “Sometimes it feels like a clash of values; I value the experience of parenthood and you don’t.” And I get that. “Childfree by choice” is a sexy new buzz phrase that comes with a stigma, putting parents and the childfree in an unnecessary boxing ring with each other.


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